Geraldine Bartlett, NYC Fitness Trainer

2 min read

Geraldine Bartlett, NYC Fitness Trainer - My Spa Shop

It wasn’t until after my fiftieth birthday, that I got certified as a fitness trainer. As a girl I was a tomboy, that's what they called it then, so I have always enjoyed exercise, but it never occurred to me it was something I could do as a business.

I am also an actor. I began performing with my sister when I was twelve, singing and playing guitar, as part of a folk singing duo, The Bartlett Pair. After college, I moved to Los Angeles and began working as an actor.

As actors, many of us feel that if you have another true love it will somehow impede your ability to focus on your craft, so we endure other jobs in between "working." It is so fulfilling to have something I love to do, that is good for me and I can pour all my energy in to, without relying on an audition!

I still work as an actor, from time to time, as well as perform with Naomi Goldberg Haas’ dance company “Dances for a Variable Population.” The company is comprised of professional dancers in their twenties, along with various students from her class, who range in age from mid forties to their eighties. It is a beautiful thing, watching those bodies move together.

I began studying fitness with Naomi a few years ago, then became part of her company and now teach with her in lower Manhattan, as well as train clients privately.

Before I started acting, I thought I would either work as a therapist or a teacher. It turns out, I do a little of both. It is such a rewarding job, watching people feel good about them selves and being in their body, while getting healthy at the same time!

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ACE Certified Fitness Trainer

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