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Bellabaci Cupping Therapy

7 min read

Bellabaci Cupping Therapy - My Spa Shop


Cellulite Blues? You got them and you want to treat cellulite fast? Get your hands on the Bellabaci Body Massage System, which are hand-squeezed vacuum suction cups based on the treatment success of Ancient Chinese Cupping. Fast becoming the cellulite treatment of choice for women world-wide, the most effective, easiest and most affordable way to reduce and remove cellulite. That’s because it addresses the cause directly and not just the symptoms. Better yet, it activates, stimulates and rejuvenates the lymphatic system with a reverse deep tissue massage technique.


Cottage cheese, orange peel, hail damage. You name it, cellulite may still throw the perfectly sane into a tizzy as winter pants and coats are doffed for more revealing spring and summer styles. It might stand to reason that in our fat-phobic culture, where even famous backsides (think Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian) are criticised, such distinct jelly deposits are so loathed. And cellulite doesn’t only afflict the full-figured. It’s also a problem of the skinny, not to mention teenagers.

To help us get to the bottom of it all, let’s look at some of the causes of these nuisance nodules. It’s a condition that affects 90% of women and 10% of men, mostly in industrial nations. As women start approaching menopause, oestrogen starts decreasing. From 25 to 35 is when you start seeing the appearance of cellulite. Oestrogen has an impact on the blood vessels. When oestrogen starts to decrease, you lose receptors in blood vessels and thighs, so you have decreased circulation. With decreased circulation you get less oxygen and nutrition to that area, and with that we see a decrease in collagen production…. Also, at this time fat cells start becoming larger, they begin protruding through the collagen and become the bumpy fat known as cellulite.


The structure of collagen, the main protein of connective tissue, in women has the appearance of a picket fence, whereas in men it looks more like a cross-linked fence. So you can see the cross- linked structure is much stronger and will hold fat in better.
Another reason women get cellulite has to do with the two kinds of androgenic receptors. When stimulated, alpha receptors will cause fat cells to produce fat as well as triggering constriction of blood vessels and release of sugar into the bloodstream when beta receptors are stimulated, they break down fat[as well as increasing heart rate and relaxing blood vessels. In women, for every one beta receptor in the thigh, there are nine alpha receptors. Oestrogen also makes fat whereas testosterone breaks down fat. So a women’s body is basically—and I hate to say it—genetically designed to be a place for cellulite to develop. Men have one layer of fat throughout their entire body and a one-to-one alpha- and beta-receptor ratio.


The causes of cellulite are varied but the most common cause is related to poor blood circulation, reduced venous flow, impaired lymphatic drainage and fluid retention which can trigger the transformation of subcutaneous fat cells into cellulite. The following contribute to the cellulite in one way or another:

  • Genetics. The predisposition to cellulite seems to be genetically inherited. Some people simply have more fat cells, weak veins, fragile lymphatic vessels, poor circulation or hormonal sensitivity.
  • Female Hormones
  • Pregnancy
  • Stress
  • Sedentary Lifestyles
  • Smoking
  • Enlarged Lymph Nodes
  • Obesity
  • Tight underwear

Know that these factors may not contribute equally in different people. In some people there may be primary and contributing factors to cellulite. Cellulite has 5 stages of development and it is important that you understand this process in your home treatment techniques…

 The Stages of Cellulite Want to know how cellulite develops? Cellulite is considered a solely cosmetic condition. Indeed, until recently, cellulite was not acknowledged in medical literature. Now, research has shown that changes over time in the body’s skin structure actually lead to the transformation of fat cells into cellulite.


Blood micro circulation, venous flow, and/or lymphatic drainage to the subcutaneous layers are impaired.Reduced blood circulation starves and weakens the surrounding tissue, making it more susceptible to cellulite, Reduced venous flow translates to higher fluid retention and pooling of the blood. Reduced lymphatic drainage means that lymph fluids, which normally carry waste away from the cells are trapped in the area. The septae connective tissue may begin to become more fibrous. In this stage, all the changes are not visible to the naked eye. There may not be any other symptoms, with the possible exception of cuts and bruises taking longer to heal because of the impaired circulation.


Once the circulation is lessened the capillaries and veins become weakened and leak blood into the surrounding tissue. This increases the pressure in the tissue and restricts circulation and fluid drainage even more.In this stage, you may notice thicker and more tender skin than normal. as well as discoloration or broken veins. The skin more also bruise more easily, however, there is no appearance of the lumpy cellulite bumps yet.


After a few months of lymphatic fluid build-up, the fat tissues become swollen and begin to push against the outer skin, the first signs of the lumps and the “orange peel” look appear.


The static lymphatic fluid causes the fibrous septae to congeal into thicker fibres. Cells starved of oxygen and nutrients may also become incorporated into these fibres, thus adding to the fibres thickness.These fibres begin to trap and squeeze the fat cells, which press on the surrounding tissue and reduce area circulation even more. Because of the lack of circulation the skin may feel cold to the touch.


Because of the high pressure, blood circulation is re-routed around the cellulite area. Septaefibres continue to grow to an extent that the fat cells are completely trapped. Although fat continues to be stored in these cells, it is not efficiently removed through exercise or diet because of the poor circulation.

In this stage, the thick fibres, trapped fat cells and stagnant fluids form a honeycomb structure called steatomes, this causes the “cheesecake” lumps and bumps that are the hallmark of cellulite. You can rid yourself of cellulite permanently in the convenience of your home massaging affected areas in just 8 minutes per day.

CELLULITE..Its not for the faint-hearted!

It’s a condition that affects 90% of women and 10% of men, mostly in industrial nations. As women start approaching menopause, oestrogen starts decreasing. From 25 to 35 is when you start seeing the appearance of cellulite. Oestrogen has an impact on the blood vessels. When oestrogen starts to decrease, you lose receptors in blood vessels and thighs, so you have decreased circulation. Cellulite is considered a solely cosmetic condition. Indeed, until recently, cellulite was not acknowledged in medical literature. Now, research has shown that changes over time in the body’s skin structure actually lead to the transformation of fat cells into cellulite.

Treat Cellulite with Bellabaci In 4 Easy Steps

The Bellabaci Body Massage System includes two superior medical grade silicone cups. These hand- squeezed vacuum suction cups are based on the healing success of Ancient Chinese Cupping.

Step 1

Apply the Cellulite Be Gone Genie Oil Lotion to the area to facilitate smooth movement. Apply plenty of lotion or oil to the area to facilitate smooth movement. The Bellabaci Cellulite Be Gone Genie, a lotion that turns into a luxurious oil, works best. It is a potent cellulite busting formula that enhances the effectiveness of the Bellabaci Body Cups.

Step 2

Squeeze the cup in the middle then place the cups lips to your skin and release. Congratulations you’ve just given yourself your first Bellabaci kiss! Start with the softer cup. Begin by squeezing the cup in the middle to create a very light suction. Place the cup’s lip to your skin and release. Move the cup over your skin using straight-line, circular and zigzag movements to massage the area for about eight minutes at a time. Drain the area by moving the cup toward the nearest lymph nodes.


Step 3

Begin by applying a very light suction for about eight minutes at a time. Increase the suction gradually to stimulate circulation, remove stagnation and loosen adhesion’s!

This technique doesn’t require any special preparation. The results are dramatic and best done on a consistent daily basis. The massage should not be painful, squeeze the cup so it is comfortable for you.

Step 4

Use straight line and circular movements to massage the area. Drain the area by moving the cup toward the nearest lymph nodes.

Gradually increase suction to stimulate circulation, remove stagnation, and release built up “sludge.” Once your skin has become more elastic graduate into the use of the hard cup. Continue to use the softer cup for more sensitive areas such as the arms, stomach, and inner thighs. The hard cup can be used on the back or other less sensitive areas.


Cellulite remains one of the great challenges of medicine. A scientific report and study published in The Open Cardiovascular Medicine Journal, 2009, 3, 96-97, offers supporting evidence that lymphatic drainage methods to combat cellulite are extremely effective and should be considered by women before embarking on expensive and invasive surgery. This study covers its name, the consensus about the histopathological findings, physiological hypothesis and treatment of the disease. By: José Maria Pereira de Godoy and Maria de FátimaGuerreiro de Godoy Department of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Medical School of São Jose do Rio Preto-FAMERP-Brazil FAMERP and Clinic Godoy, São José do Rio Preto, Brazil.  Read the full article HERE: https://www.bellabaci.com/wp- content/uploads/2012/12/Physiopathological-Hypothesis-of- Cellulite.pdf

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