Embrace Autumn with Nourished 'Yin'

1 min read

Embrace Autumn with Nourished 'Yin' - My Spa Shop

Embrace the Autumn season with nourished  ‘Yin’   for a healthier and younger looking new cycle!



The Chinese sages of ancient times believed that the physical world was a process of change and all that exists is the result of transformation based on five basic elements (and these five elements were linked with the seasons) - metal (Autumn), water (Winter), wood (Spring), fire (Summer) and Earth (late Summer).  And did you know that according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, they saw these same elements in the human body.  For example, autumn is the season of ‘metal’ where the ‘Yin’ energy overtakes the ‘Yang’ energy which could lead to deficiency in the lung system resulting in extreme dry skin and frizzy hair.

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