The Year of the Wood Snake 2025

2 min read

The Year of the Wood Snake 2025 - My Spa Shop

Year of the Wood Snake- 4723

January 29, 2025 – February 16, 2026


The Snake is a symbol of wisdom, adaptability, and transformation. It is naturally intuitive, elegant, and mystical. 

Known for its ability to shed its skin, the Snake represent personal growth and the constant process of renewal. Snakes are sensitive, powerful, and creative souls. They are both intelligent and intuitive, making them naturally strategic.


Some Snakes enjoy a quiet spiritual life, while others are more outwardly determined and strive for success. Often Snakes are often a mix of both, spending part of life engaged in worldly success and the other part engaged in the realm of spirituality. Yet Snakes can also have trust issues, be perfectionists and harbor danger.


As we enter this year of transformation, it is important for us to evolve spiritually, moving away from old ways and habits that no longer serve us well. It is a year to learn from the past, moving forward with awareness and compassion. The Snake year is the opportune time for a massive cleaning, resulting in less stress, less chaos, and the ability to focus . Good Feng Shui is so important in this Snake year in order to live in a balanced, clear and beautiful environment.



Each zodiac animal has its own qualities that are consistent year to year, yet every sign will be influenced by the Snake’s energy in 2025. 


While this year ushers in fresh opportunities, it also presents challenges that vary depending on each sign's compatibility with the Snake's energy. 


Check out your Zodiac sign here.

Gung Hey Fat Choy

Wishing You the Blessings of Health & Prosperity

Judith Wendell & Sacred Currents

Book a free call and we can discuss your needs for a on-site or virtual Feng Shui consultation and/or Space Clearing Ritual and make the most of the Year of the Wood Snake!

Feng Shui Consulting ~ Space Clearing - Integrative Interior Design

For Commercial + Residential Environments

Judith Wendell 212-410-1832 / 917-903-9390 

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