The Winter Solstice

2 min read

The Winter Solstice - My Spa Shop

The Light within the Darkness
The winter solstice is a reverential time. The darkness and cold weather are reminders to embrace the quiet and turn within. 
 In the system of the 5 Elements, this time of year is associated with wisdom and inspiration. It is represented by the depth and silence of the ocean's bottom. Nature is drawing her energy inward and signaling a time of inactivity.
The early peoples of this earth honored the darkness as a time for reflection and meditation - to consider the year that has gone by. The tradition of holiday lights goes back to pagan times when fires were lit to celebrated their faith in the return of the sun,
The winter solstice is also a time to honor our ancestors and the wisdom of all those that came before us. Even with all the apparent differences in our world, it is a time to recognize what connects us. 
So even as we may bepulled in all sorts of directions to celebrate, consume and partake - which of course can be joyful - take some time for yourself to reflect.
If you are inclined on this solstice or at some point during the holidays, to honor the year that has passed, consider a simple candle lighting ritual. 
  • You can use a small votive, a fancy taper or any candle you enjoy. 
  • Have a moment of gratitude for all you’ve received this year and all those who have touched your life, including your ancestors if you'd like.
  • Then reflect on one or two things you’d like to bring into your life in 2025.
  • Now light your candle, knowing a new light is being lit within you.
As we hunker down for winter, let’s remember that the days will start to grow longer - and like the pagans have faith in the returning light of the sun.
In another month we will be entering the Year of the Wood Snake which is associated with growth, renewal and harmony. Now is the time to time to prepare the ground. 
As the new year begins, look to how you can remove energy blocks in your environment and life. I will be offering my yearly thoughts on each of the Chinese Zodiac signs in January, and ways to open your life for the Lunar New Year of the Wood Snake. 
I always suggest updating your Feng Shui and participating in a clearing/blessing ritual during this time of year.
There is still time to customize a Gift Certificate for a consultationfor yourself or your special person - just call or write and we'll set it up.
Take time to rest amongst the hustle and bustle and let yourself receive
the subtle energies cloaked in the darkness.
May Peace Prevail in your Heart and on Earth
Blessings for all the holidays celebrated during this Season of Light

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