The Most Effective Ways to Practice Daily Gratitude

3 min read

The Most Effective Ways to Practice Daily Gratitude - My Spa Shop


Here we are, at the end of another year!  It often seems that, if you don’t pay attention, your life flies by before you’ve fully experienced it.  This year more than ever I’ve felt the need to revel in the beauty of my daily experiences, to cherish even the simple pleasures, to intentionally choose joy each day.  Because each day is a gift.

Cultivating hope is a way to do that.  

Hope is fundamental to a joyful journey. Hope lives in your heart, gives you strength and courage for the future, even in the face of desperate circumstances.

And that brings me to lotus blossoms.

A pristine lotus blossom floating serenely on the surface of the water is a thing of beauty, a thing to celebrate.  But that blossom started its journey in the deep darkness of the mud, it struggled to rise towards the light where it could reveal its true beauty. Without the mud, there would be no blossom.  It shows us that there is beauty in the darkness and hope in the light. And that is why the lotus has become a symbol of hope, of strength and resilience, of enlightenment and transformation. A symbol of the pathway toward the light of hope. 

Gratitude is possibly the most powerful way to infuse your life with hope.  When you can notice and appreciate all you have in your life in this moment, you can spark and sustain your sense of hope for the future.

And once you start noticing and appreciating, it becomes an everyday mindfulness practice.  You’ll be everyday grateful.

What are you grateful for today, in this moment?  

Count your blessings, big and small.  Think of 3 things to start with.  Think of what surrounds you, think of the people in your life, think of what has happened today (or yesterday) remembering that even the small things and small gestures can bring us much joy.  Be detailed, descriptive and specific.  Really dig into why you are grateful for each of these things.

If gratitude practice seems a little overwhelming to you right now, start with something small, like the smile of a stranger, a delicious cup of tea, a warm meal, the grippy texture of your yoga mat keeping you grounded.

And for each of your 3 things, say thank you - to yourself, to another, to the earth, to the universe - with a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation in your heart.

In this way, you will have a new appreciation or all you have in your life in this moment.  And it’s so much easier to see the light of hope when you focus on the good things in your life.

Here are 8 easy ways to cultivate hope by practicing gratitude every day.

  1. In your journal - list 3 things you are grateful for each day - be specific and detailed as mentioned above.
  2. In your favorite yoga pose - standing in tree pose, warrior ll, mountain pose or whatever pose makes you feel strong and grounded - think of 3 things that you are grateful for in that moment
  3. In your meditation - I use a timer for my meditation practice and I can create a moment at the end, after the bell, and I use this minute to think of 3 things I appreciate in this moment
  4. Just notice something good in your life and really savour it - enjoy the experience of noticing and appreciating.
  5. Keep reminders of your gratitude - this is a way to stay in gratitude.  Post-it note reminders, or mantras.  Or, for example, I have a sweet bracelet from Mindful Necessities that reminds me everyday of all I have to be grateful for (Gisele of Mindful Necessities makes our beautiful HUM Insight Mala)
  6. Share your gratitude - tell the people around you how much you appreciate them and/or what they do
  7. Do something nice for somebody else- you'll find your own way.
  8. Try a loving kindness meditation - this is a way to pay forward your love and appreciation.

 Shop  HUM Meditation Cushions 

HUM eco-conscious yoga and meditation essentials have been intentionally created to elegantly raise the vibration of your personal practice and your at home wellness sanctuary.  And lovingly crafted with your special journey in mind, so that you can be your most vibrant, joyful, balanced and peaceful experience.



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